Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Recap - Looking Forward

It's nearly the start of 2013.

Everyone is now thinking of what they should've/could've/would've in 2012 and will be restarting/restating goals for 2013 that weren't accomplished in 2012.. 2011.. 2010.

I'm not any different I suppose. I'm still struggling with losing weight despite being in the gym 4-6 days a week. My body has changed even if the scale hasn't so I guess my 2012 goals of weightloss weren't completely a failure. I may be a similar weight but there's more shape to my legs, my arms, my shoulders.. I've put on muscle. This should help me with losing weight in 2013. I have to get my diet in check.

I also have to get my spending/saving in check. I have near to nothing in the bank but nothing to show for it either. How does that happen? Where does it go? In 2013 I will NOT be asking myself that question.

I feel like my posts lately have been in the same vein but so far there is little action behind it. Apologies. Not that I'll really keep a tally on here of what I'm saving/spending but I will let you guys know, vaguely, if/when I'm successfull or not.

I also want to revisit the set up of this blog. I don't like it. I feel like everytime I change my template it doesn't look like the template when I "view blog." What is up with that? I don't know.

Changing gears:

I had a lovely Christmas with family.. my Godson is 1. He is incredible. It was truly amazing to watch him play with his new toys and take some real steps... he's very nearly walking on his own... but he rushes it and ends up taking little tumbles. Funny to remember my parents telling me not to be in a rush to grow up... and now I want to tell him the same. Take it easy little man.. before you know it you'll be wishing for the days when we carried you everywhere and would fight over who got to hold you while you fell asleep.

I know the reasons for Christmas are time with family, friends, giving thanks for everything that you have... but you can't talk Christmas and NOT talk gifts, right?

I got a Clarisonic Mia from my Aunt and used it for the first time last night. I can honestly say I already feel a difference in my face. Even today it feels cleaner (I didn't do more than a rinse this morning after waking up). However, I'm still struggling with dry skin. Around my nose and along the tops of my cheeks are so dry. I've used Ponds my whole life but it isn't cutting it right now. My Aunt got me some products to go with the Clarisonic including an Elizabeth Arden moisturizer so we'll see if that makes a difference.

I also got several charms for the Pandora bracelet my boyfriend bought me for my birthday 2012. I know have 5 charms. Anyone else have a Pandora bracelet? I was stumped at how I would add the charms as they wouldn't fit over the clasp... lol. Then I realized they screwed on AND the stoppers come off. That was a fun few hours and I'm still being made fun of for not knowing how my own bracelet works. Oh well.

I'm going to start a lot earlier looking/getting gifts for family. It was entirely too stressfull this year. I also want to start a fund for a vacation/trip. I think my Aunt will want to go to the Cape again this coming summer so that will be lovely.

What is everyone looking to do for 2013? Can be goals to accomplish, things to get, places to go.... etc.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Financials, Growing up, Life

I'm 27-years-old. Kind of crazy to think about. There are so many things these days that are weighing on my mind, stressing me out... about what I want in life/where I should be.

There's so much I want and it wars with what I think I should have. I should have more money saved. I should have more of a dent in the repayment of my loans (school&car). I should have my brakes replaed. I should have my car cleaned/get the junk out of it. I should have a clean room. I should have a furnished apartment.

I want more/expensive clothes. I want to go on a vacation. I want to travel places. I want to give my loved ones expensive gifts. I want to get fun/classy things for the apartment. I want to go out to fancy restaurants.

See the disconnect/difficulty here?

I am in the proces of creating a budget for myself and this is the first time I've really sat down and LOOKED at my spending. However, it cannot go into effect until after Christmas and there'll be a chunk immediately taken out for my brakes/excise tax so it really won't start until the end of January/February 2013. The trick is... like my weightloss... I have to stick to it.

I think the biggest reason behind this stress is the fact that I am 27. That is only 3 years away from 30. In my daydreamings about my life as an adult 30 was the time I'd have it all together (35 at the latest). I wanted to have a career, a nice place, a serious boyfriend/fiance, and maybe even a child (or a pet).

I don't have a career. I share an ok apartment with my best friend. My boyfriend, while we've been together a long time now, is not serious and I don't think he ever will be (read fiance). I also do not have a child/pet (nor do I think I'm ready for that yet.) However, I would like to be with someone for at least 2 years before thinking about marriage or a child. If we did get married after 2 years (would be like 3 by then) I'd want to experience marriage for at least 2 years to see if it would work. That's 5-6 years to have a settled relationship/marriage before a child would come along. I'm already 31 at this point. So the longer it takes me to set my financials in order the longer it will be before I can settle down. Also, how am I supposed to meet a guy that can be serious with me while I'm in love with my not-so-serious boyfriend of now?

We had a conversation along these lines in February 2012.... we actually broke up because he was adamant he did not want marriage or children. Come March/April he told me that was not true. Just what every girl wants to hear right? It's now December and ... while things are better in our relationship... they don't seem to have any future happenings. Frankly, he hasn't even made any forward progress in things he'd always stated he wanted (getting a place with HIS bestfriend.) He has my same problem with saving money... only he has half the bills.

Resolutions for 2013 and the rest of my life.... get serious about my finances, weightloss, and what I want for my life. I'm starting early on this (at least the weightloss and thinking about what I want for the rest of my life).

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Winter 2012 Wishlists

What are you ladies wanting to add to your closet this Winter?

I really need a nice, fashion-forward Winter coat. My boyfriend got me a wool coat a few Christmases ago but it just seems very fancy to me. It is a long (read low ankles) white wool coat that I feel like I should wear out in Boston - like to a fancy restuarant. Suffice to say I've worn it only a few times. I want something shorter, more casual, but that can be up-styled. I also would like for it to have a feminine shape versus something that just hangs.

I would like some edgier button-ups for work that are also more tailored than what I have currently.

Due to being short I'm also looking at some height-adjusting shoes that aren't too crazy (hard to come by) but will also add a bit of edge to a work outfit.

I created some Polyvore sets to drool over.

Forever21 Winter 2012

Forever 21 dress

Forever 21

Forever 21

Forever 21 fleece coat

Forever 21

Forever 21

Forever 21 high heels

Forever 21 wedge boots

Target Wishlist

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Back Again

Since October there haven't been any life-altering events or anything like that. I just can't seem to stay on track with blogging.

I also fell off with my weightloss/exercise goals stated in my October post. But I stated then I was 153 and I'm 149.5 today. So I weigh less but not as much less as I would have liked. 3.5lbs in 2 months? Lol.

Beyond that I'm still dating the same guy. My Aunt's son is now a year old, wow. He is amazing. I spend most of my free time with them and it is incredible to see the weekly changes, let alone how much he's changed since last year. I have the same job (thank goodness that's not an issue like when I was blogging consistently, unemployed).

Christmas is right around the corner; are you all ready or starting to stress out because you haven't started? I wanted to partake of the Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals this year but it didn't pan out (no computer at home and didn't see smart to be shopping at work. Probably shouldn't be blogging either but it's lunchtime ;-) ). However, I've bought a couple things for a few people and have rather good ideas for the rest so I'm not too worried about it at this point.

I'm attending an ugly sweater party this weekend but have no clue where to get an "ugly" sweater. Obviously I don't want to buy something ugly for $30+ and it seems like that's what most decorative sweaters are running. I'm going to try out K-Mart, The Loop (a consignment shop I was told about), and a thrift store not far from me (only trouble is it closes at 5pm). Thrift store will have to be after work or this weekend (party doesn't start until 8:30pm) but I don't want to do all three at once.... may have to though.

Why is time never on our sides?

This is a rather random/discombobulated post but oh well. I will start crafting/drafting up more posts that are more thorough and concise for in the future. Don't think anyone is really reading this anyway. LOL

Have a great week!

Monday, October 1, 2012

It's Been a Year (+)


Oh my goodness.. it's been over a year since I blogged.

Recently I've become obsessed with Pinterest and through Pinterest I've discovered some fabulous crafty (do-it-yourself) blogs and remembered that I used to blog. Haha.You can follow me on Pinterest here

What's been going on with me since last year? I moved into a 2 bedroom apartment with my best friend in May 2011. My Aunt gave birth to a baby boy December 6, 2011. He's almost a year now!! I'm heavier than I was last year (153 versus 144ish) however, I'm at a lower bodyfat % as I've put on some muscle. But still struggling with my diet/nutrition.

October has been my new resolution time. I am aiming for 2 weeks of clean eating before I allow myself a cheat. I will be doing this (2 weeks of eating well before cheating) for 3 months and I will report back then my total success (or failure, oh no!). Ultimately I would like to lose 40lbs but aiming for a less daunting 20-25lbs. That's roughly 8lbs a month, 2lbs a week. We shall see. I have a gym buddy this time around who is wonderful!

Between now and then I will try and blog fun things. I'm making a list! I have new "lemmings" for this Fall but trying to make saving money versus spending it a priority. Priority 2 (after saving money) is decorating our apartment. Yes, we still don't even have curtains up! Shamefull.

Is there anything you all would like to see the most? Seems I still have 22 followers (are you all there?) haha.