Friday, March 1, 2013

Weightloss and general update

Good morning Beauties

It's been a while since I updated. Work has been busy, life has been busy, and I have another log/journal/blog on that I was trying to keep updated... failed on that front as well.

1/18/2013 my fitness/weightloss update was as follows

1/15/2013 measurements

148 lbs and 29% bodyfat (may not be totally accurate)
neck 14 (fat lol)
chest is still 36 I believe but may be a little smaller; bras feel a little loose (could have gone down a cup size)
arms 12!
waist 31.5!
hips 39.5!
Thighs 24!
Calves 15

I weighed in today "officially" and took measurements. I'm part of a group that does a monthly weigh in with photos (no photos yet as I don't have a full sized mirror) but the weigh in for 1/15/2013 was on my own (also weighed at 2/15/2013)

143 lbs (no bodyfat update yet)
neck 13.5!
chest 35! (too bad no 35C bra sizes)
arms little under 12!
waist 30!
Hips 38!
Thighs 24
Calves 15
These are my own measurements in the AM without drinking or eating anything. I will ask my friend that works at the gym to do them tonight in addition to the bodyfat machine. They may be the same or may be up a bit (after all day of eating and drinking)

I have found my sweetspot I think. Indulged in a small pizza on Sunday - amazed I still lost after that. I beat myself up something fierce that I chowed on that. NEVER done that before. I feel I've been eating enough to be full and satiated but I want to lose more. Pondering cutting a bit more calories or increasing my cardio for when the weather warms up (Spring starts March 20!)

I also have three 5ks lined up for the coming months (First is in April) so would be good to cut down on my mile time.

I haven't done much in terms of fashion/makeup but got a haircut in late January. I brought some photos of Kim Kardashian's hair because I love it. Have always loved it (not the fringe cut). Most recently I went ombre.  

from this

to this
Sorry that the photo has an orange cast - was from the salon which has lighting for awww-mbiance versus quality, lol. The cut is the same, just trimmed.

*If anyone is in the Salem MA area I highly recommend Bella Hair Studio at 272 Essex Street. Beca and Jessica are beautiful, professional, and expertly skilled. Best salon experiences of my life.

Has anyone else gotten a change in terms of hair, style, what have you?

I'm excited for Spring and warmer weather. Putting together some things I need to buy for the transition in my wardrobe. What are you must-haves for Spring?