I'm amending my writing style a little because I now have followers, lol. I went shopping this weekend after hearing about sales at Old Navy and Kohls. They had $2 tank tops at Old Navy and just about everything at Kohls was some % off (was hard not to go broke in there!).
I've been wanting to buy a couple dresses for the summer (even though the weather has been cold and rainy lately) because I've been feeling better about my body and wanting to break out of my love affair with long jeans in the summer, haha. Alas, my first stop was to Forever 21 and the two dresses I tried on pushed me right back into hating my legs and being depressed about my chubby chest, lol.
Anyways, at Old Navy I got 5 basic layering tank tops that look like this one
Also, I got two of these shirts which are WICKED cute!! ( I got red and green). I got four pairs of basic flip flops too, black, brown, green, and red. I was disappointed because on the website they had all these colors available but in the store there was barely anything left in my size (7). I ended up getting the black ones in a size 8 but they work alright.
At Kohls I tried on a couple more dresses but wasn't feeling it but I did finally buy a purse (after 3 hours of searching for lost keys that I KNOW were picked up and then not turned in for hours, come on people! hahah) .
<~This is it and I LOVE it. The brown is this rich chocolate color and looking at it makes me not so sad that it's all rainy here in Mass!
Well, that's it for my haulage. I'm dying for some Threadless t-shirts and some Lush bath products so I will be saving for those and I will do another Haul post for that. I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had an interesting one. My boyfriend Brandon has family in California (San Francisco to be exact) and they all are here for a week and some change so I got to meet them on Saturday. I would have been freaking out but Saturday was the day I went to Old Navy and Forever 21 so I was sort of bumming about not fitting right into those dresses so I wasn't as nervous as I would have been otherwise to meet more of his family.
He had two aunts come up (on his mom's side) one of which has two twin girls (5 and 7) and a really fun husband, hahah. The firls were super cute and totally in love with Brandon and his brother Kyle. We had sort of a cookout thing and his uncle Carlos came out with his daughter Sakuera (sp?). We also watched that Karate Panda movie and the kids passed out one Brandon and Kyle (so cute!).
On Saturday night we ended up going to this beautiful restaurant/bar with his aunt Deanna (the one without the kids) and she bought us some food and a couple drinks (omg I'm such a lightweight but I didn't embarass myself Brandon says). She's so cool! She's been all over and is one of those people who totally motivates you! I have all these ideas in my head now about traveling and starting to write seriously (I REALLY want to write books as my career).
Anyway, that's my weekend and haul. I'll do a weightloss/exercise post soon. I have to buy one of those tape measurers that isn't stiff so I can measure my weightloss on more than the scale because it hasn't gone down but I feel like I'm slimmer.
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